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From Uves Pothiawala, Dubai,

United Arab Emirates

I have done coaching before, but with you, it felt different. I felt the change and noticed that the coaching style was unique. It was modified to align with my comfort level, making me feel more involved and responsive. I have experienced a significant transformation in terms of clarity and self-reflection. I feel much calmer. I'm now more aware of my actions and reactions. The coaching has helped me prioritise my values, improve my communication skills, and approach situations with less stress. Initially, I joined your sessions to address some of the confusion in my state of mind, but I've realised that it's also positively impacting other aspects of my life. Your approach is changing the thought processes in my brain. I wouldn't say it has completely turned my life around, but I can say that I'm actively working towards change. Change is a constant process that requires a conscious and aware mind to keep up.

From Magdalena, RT(R), (VI),


As I write this testimonial I reflect on the very session I had with Lamiae. I came to her with a matter I would not dare share with anyone because I was embarrassed and ashamed to face my reality. Lamiae was compassionate, empathetic, understanding, and managed to hold space for me through very difficult conversations. Our energies matched and I felt safe opening up to her. She made me believe I could rise above and she wasn't wrong. Since our sessions ended I've continued on the path of improvement and I've noticed I am more confident as well as compassionate towards myself. I give myself grace on the days I fall short, and I remember how far I've come. Lamiae's voice is forever embedded in my brain reminding me "I am enough".

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